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Project Peace

Project Peace is a program within the Take2 organization to reduce violence and its impact on our youth and their communities. The program will enlighten and inform them of nonviolence principles through incidental teaching methods and facilitator presentations and conversations. The ultimate goal of Project Peace is to unfold a future without violence by implementing education to create changes in communities.

Families are the lifeblood of neighborhoods. Strong family communication improves our generational outcomes - bringing vitality and health to our communities and cities. By implementing a program that tracks and measures progress, we can manifest immediate and significantly sustainable results in reducing conflict, violence, and bullying.


Project Peace is an outlet to communicate in discussions relating to the causes and effects of violence in school, at home, and in the community making a path for understanding and assistance. The joint creation of a plan of action will enable identifying what can be done (claiming ownership) to address and help eliminate existing issues and problems. The four main elements of the program are:

  1. Accepting Personal Responsibility...a Therapeutic Element: Participants will take responsibility for their future.

  2. Communication/Information Element: Forming an open communication line between students, teachers, and family members. Schools will be provided with information to assist with a plan of action.​

  3. Bonding Element: Once conversations begin between students and teachers, another more personal level is reached.

  4. Community Response/Action Element: The students' ideas and solutions are shared with the community - including school administrators, policymakers, judges, etc., to increase communication lines to resolve issues in a lasting manner. In sharing their violent experiences within the classroom, a face is put to the problems; thus, communication becoming a catalyst for the birthing of nonviolence.

Action Steps to address important issues:


  • Early childhood development – provide information to assist parents with care of their children in a community based-setting.


  • Youth development – recruit students to identify resources that tap youth potential within communities and promote positivity.  Offer program opportunities to enhance participation and leadership.


  • Education and After school input – encourage family participation in the program.  Present a “blueprint for success” engaging adult and community support for improving achievement, middle and high school completion, and future successes.  Create an after-school working coalition to assist in identifying funding sources.


  • Safety – Identify students who need parental guidance or need to overcome adversities and link with agencies enabling the student to stay on track.


  • Youth in transition – recruit volunteers from local agencies to assist students with diverse needs.


  • Neighborhood and community revitalization through action – build family support, identify how students can contribute toward keeping their needs in the forefront of media and the community, empower students with alternatives to overcome violence in their communities and among peers, and adopt a non-violent culture to turn schools into centers of community life and neighborhoods into safe environments.

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Take2 America Foundation recognizes the value and impacts our youth have on society. We respect them as leaders and will foster an environment where their skills, ideas, and energy will be channeled through positive reinforcement and outreach.

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